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Phrase in English

Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 

in The Road not Taken

Isaac Newton

Standing on the shoulders of giants

Raymond Chandler

The French have a phrase for it. 
The bastards have a phrase for everything and they are always right. 
To say goodbye is to die a little

in The Long Goobye


I disapprove of what you say, 
but I will defend to the death your right to say it

Phrase in Japaense


孔子 (恩師からの受け売り)

  1. 君子、固より窮す.小人,窮すれは、斯に濫る
    • 締切間際に心にしみる言葉
  2. 知者は惑わず.仁者は憂えず.勇者は懼れず
    • 良く惑います


  1. 学術的・社会的に価値のある研究であるかを認識する
  2. 最も上手くいった場合の具体的な成果を意識する
  3. 研究の成果を論理的・客観的に分析する
  4. うまくいかなかった結果を分析し,次につなげる
    • visionとanalysisが重要と言うこと