Navigation : Top/Research
* Research Projects [#y7dc85da]
** Ongoing Research Projects [#b25f689f]
*** Joint Project [#z8a37738]
- [[GAs-exchange and Physical Modeling of Wind Wave Project 2006]] (in Japanese): Joint Project
- [[Bubble Charasteristics and Gas Transfer in the Surf Zone]]
- [[Measurement and Modeling of Bubbles Induced by Wind Wave Breaking]]
- [[Visualization of Gas Transfer at Air-Sea Interface]]

*** [[Coastal and Ocean Physics Problem]] [#g76042be]
- Freak/Rogue Wave Prediction
- [[Coastal Current Prediction]]
- [[Development of Water-exchangable Caisson]]
- [[Jet diffusion under wave environments]]

*** Developing New Technology [#ge953193]
- [[Air Bubble Measurements using Imaging Technique]]
- [[Local Remote Sensing for Seaweed Detection]]
- [[Highly Temporal-Spatail Coastal Current Measurements by DBF-VHF Radar]]

***[[Computational Fluid Dynamics]] [#fb543772]
- [[Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flow]]
- [[Numerical Simulation of Costal Currents]]

** Finished Projects [#h532ee40]
-[[Finished/Coastal and Ocean Engineering Problems]]

** Etc [#f2bb93bc]
- [[Art of Fluids]] (selected movies)

* Developed Free Softwares for Research[#u762f7f7]
- [[mpiv for MATLAB:]] : free PIV toolbox running on MATLAB [#rba06e76]
- [[MACE:]] : free MATLAB toolbox for Coastal Engineers and Researchers [#n91919c1]

* Curriculum Vitae [#hb102893]
- [[CV in English]]
- [[CV in Japanese]]

* Etc [#h4c3f26b]
** List of Related Journals [#hfc2d53a]
- [[Online Journals at University Library:]]
- [[Personal Journal List]] (that I have interested in)
** Research Meetings [#jd81012c]
- [[Kansai Coastal-Hydraulics Research Workshop>Freche]] (in Japanese)
** Personal Memo [#iebf98d2]
- [[Personal Research Memorandums]]