Navigation : Top/Research/Freak (Rogue) Wave Prediction
Rogue Wave Prediction

* Introduction [#a1921cf4]

Freak wave is sometimes called as Rogue wave and gives massive impact to ocean structure, oil plathome, ship and so on. However, occurrence mechanisms, probability are still unknown. This project had started early 1990 and still expanding to the future. The targets of this project are 
+ Numerical modeling of freak wave generation
+ Stastical modeling of freak wave occurence
+ Collect the evidence of freak wave appearence
+ Prediction of freak wave occurence

Specially, the observed data of freak wave a few. We will focus on these topics.
This project has been started 1992 and is still developing now.

*** Present and Past Collaborators [#qeafc13c]
- Peter A.E.M. Janssen, ECMWF
- Miguel Onorato, University of Trino
- Paul Liu, Great Lake Environmental Research Laboratory, NOAA
- Takashi Yasuda, Gifu University, Japan


* Project Results [#dca422d3]
- [[Predition method of freak wave>Home:research/freakwave/JPO_freakwave_html/index.html]]
- [[Numerical modeling of freak wave generation>Home:research/freakwave/OE_freakwavesimulation/index.html]]
- [[Field observation of freak wave measurement>Home:research/freakwave/OE_observation/index.html]]
- [[Statistical modeling of freak wave appearacce>Home:research/freakwave/OE_waveheighttheory/index.html]]

* References [#uf0a3444]
- [[References of Freak Wave Research]] (our results)
- [[Rogue Wave Workshop 2000:]]
- [[Rogue Wave Workshop 2004:]]